Tag: #realestate

  • Your house is worth what?

    Your house is worth what?

    Your home is only worth what someone will pay for it … not what they should pay for it in your opinion. Waves of real estate booms driven by boomers moving from first house to mega home to recreational property to deluxe condo, through various stages of life, have driven real estate values to dizzying… Read more

  • Real Estate Success Comes With The Right Buying Strategy

    Real Estate Success Comes With The Right Buying Strategy

    Here are a few of my favorite key ingredients to a success strategy in buying real estate. GET “PRE-APPROVED” Do you want to get the best house you can for the least amount of money? If so (and who doesn’t), make sure you are in the strongest negotiating position possible. Price is only one bargaining… Read more

  • The legend of the woolly bear caterpillar

    The legend of the woolly bear caterpillar

    We grew up looking for the “woolly bears” in November on the way to school. And it wasn’t to step on them. Really. They are predictors of the future. You see … the caterpillars emerge from eggs during the warm summer months. Just as it’s getting cold in 4-5 months they mature and search for… Read more

  • Both Used & New Homes need Home Inspections

    Both Used & New Homes need Home Inspections

    Here are some simple explanations of the various types of home inspections and their importance to you and your transaction from your realtor’s perspective. You have the right to have a home inspection Once you have found a house you like and have agreed on a price with the seller, you have the right to… Read more

  • I Bet You Didn’t Know This – Garden Trivia V3

    I Bet You Didn’t Know This – Garden Trivia V3

    During the War between the States, doctors in the Union army routinely used onion juice to clean gunshot wounds, and General Grant, deprived of it, sent a testy memo to the War Department : “I will not move my troops without onions!” When potatoes were brought back to England, the English were not quite sure… Read more

  • Buy or Rent? What makes sense for you?

    Buy or Rent? What makes sense for you?

    Do we buy or rent? That is the dilemma facing many potential homeowners today. If it seems that buying is more costly and time demanding than renting continue renting. However, if you can comfortably afford to do so and you have plans to stay at your location for a while buying a home has significant… Read more

  • Garden Trivia V2

    Garden Trivia V2

    Trivia is back. Here’s the second installment. Enjoy! Besides being a really good gardener, Mike Hunter is an excellent RE Broker. Text or Call Mike 978-580-1069 today. His clients appreciate his commitment to delivering a streamlined, results-oriented deal every time. People also ask about Sudbury Stuff 80% of my business comes from referrals and repeat… Read more

  • Wicked smaht crickets can tell you the temperature

    Wicked smaht crickets can tell you the temperature

    It is possible to use the chirps of the cricket common throughout the North America to gauge temperature. Crickets are sensitive to changes in air temperature and chirp at faster rates as the temperature rises. To get a rough estimate of the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, count the number of chirps in 15 seconds and… Read more

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